Our Strategic Plan Objectives and Priorities Alignment with our EDI Themes
Leadership, Partnership and Organisation Commitment
This theme supports our strategic objective 'Next Generation Environments' and links in with our strategic priority 'Building Enterprise' that ensures leadership are accountable for EDI and there is a commitment to address this across the organisation by having the right strategic, policies, processes, and systems in place and by working in partnership to ensure we are delivering our 'civic university and levelling up' priorities that address local and regional inequalities.
Knowing your Staff, Students, and our Communities
This theme supports our strategic objective 'Next Generation Experience', our strategic priorities of 'Winning and Sustaining our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Market Share' together with being an Employer of Choice. To achieve this, we need to build an understanding and awareness of the profile of our staff, students, and communities. To deliver inclusive services, we must understand how we are performing against the sector, where we may have disparities that need to be addressed and how we use intelligence led data to prioritise our strategic objectives.
Involving your Staff, Students, and our Communities
This theme supports our strategic objective 'Next Generation Engagement' and our strategic priority of 'Accelerating Research Impact, Culture and Reputation'. This means not only understanding who our staff, students and communities are on the surface through the collection of monitoring data, but also involving them in developing projects that gain insight into their behaviours and preferences and using this intelligence to drive strategic and operational decisions.
Responsive Services, Access, and Improving Satisfaction Levels
This theme supports our strategic objective 'Next Generation Experience' and our strategic priority 'Transforming Student Outcomes and Experience' in delivering fair and equitable services to our students and contributing positively to our communities. We will continuously monitor the participation in our educational provision to ensure we are responsive and accessible together with regular monitoring and evaluation that ensures our services are continuously improving.
A Progressive and Diverse Staff and Student Cohort
This theme aligns with our strategic objective 'Next Generation Education', our strategic priority of 'Igniting Work-Based Learning', and our values to create a fair and inclusive student and staff experience.
This framework draws together our Strategic vision, values and objectives and how those are embedded within our EDI Framework, policies and the activity of university life. Making University of Staffordshire's Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) vision a reality requires us to rigorously understand potential and actual barriers together whilst also considering our strategies, our practices, our culture, and our leadership.