Sustainability updates

We provide updates on our plans and policies on a regular basis. Each update relates to a specific policy that we have in place to support our environmental goals as outlined in our Environmental Strategic Framework.

SMART targets

How do we measure up against our sustainability targets?

Waste and Recycling

Target updates

Target MeasureableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 -25Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022-23Progress 2021 - 22

Annual reduction in the volume of scheduled (GW/ DMR) waste per staff/student FTE produced on site

Monthly reporting on volume of waste produced through the use of data obtained from refuse company 

30 kg per Student and Staff FTE  

30g per staff and student FTE

35kg per staff and student FTE 

36.6kg per staff and student FTE

55.3 Kg per staff and student FTE  

Annual increase of recycling rate on campus (collected on site)

Monthly reporting on volume of waste produced through the use of data obtained from refuse company






Maintain 100% diversion from landfill for scheduled waste each year

Monthly reporting on volume of waste produced through the use of data obtained from refuse company







Target updates
 TargetMeasureableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 - 25Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021-22
Annual reduction in volume of water/wastewater Monthly reporting on volume of water supplied and associated wastewater from monthly invoices from water supplier, based on actual meter readings  38,000 cubic metres 39,000 cubic metres 41,599 cubic metres Realistic annual baseline of 43,752 cubic metres established, with projected potential savings of 13,130 cubic metres estimated  Accurate, transparent billing system/portal set up with new water retailer.

Travel and Transport

Target updates
TargetMeasureableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 -25Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022-23Progess 2021 - 22
Reduce the number of parking permits issued (as a % of staff/student numbers)  Annual data reporting 17% 18%  19% 30% Not recorded
Increase the EV within the University fleet Vehicle log  85%  80% 67% 67% 0%

Sustainable Procurement

Target updates
 TargetMeasureableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 - 25Target 2023 - 24Progess 2022 - 23Progress 2021-22
Increase the percentage of impactable spend in the Staffordshire Postcode area 

Engage with local suppliers to increase this percentage over time – annual data from finance system

35% 30% 30% 27% 15%

Increase the value of impactable spend (as %) with SMEs

Engage with SME suppliers to increase this percentage over time – annual data from finance system

55% 55% 55% 56% 52%

Reducing the Scope 3 emissions associated with influenceable activity (including estates and facilities, information technology’ laboratories and professional services)

Working with suppliers to understand supply chains, changing methods of working to reduce actual Scope 3 emissions – annual data from finance system with conversion factors applied

14,000t CO2e 15,000t CO2e 16,000t CO2e 17,006t CO2e 22,400t CO2e


Target updates
TargetMeasureableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 - 25Target 2024 - 25Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021 - 22
Have increased delivery of Woodlands Forest School environmental education teaching activities Create outreach programme with local schools – maintain records of training sessions 180% on baseline 150% on baseline

100% increase on baseline

Baseline of delivery of sessions to be established NA School was not in operation in this year

Achieve annual Biodiversity Net Gains through corporate projects

Biodiversity net gain baseline and annual seasonal surveys relevant to each new corporate project (including offsetting sites and record of any credits purchased) 10% BNG to be achieved for each corporate project 10% BNG to be achieved for each corporate project  Establish annual seasonal surveys  Baseline to be established for whole campus  NA

Maintaining and improving on Wild Staffs actions including:  continuing wildflower borders, managing green walls and planting new trees across campus

Annual seasonal surveys of whole campus as part of BNG baseline  15% increase across campus on 2022/23 baseline 10% increase across campus on 2022/23 baseline  5% increase on 2022/23 baseline  Establish baseline as part of BNG baseline Project started
Maintain an attractive campus for wildlife at Stoke Achieving Hedgehog Friendly Campus status annual assessment

Maintain Silver award

Achieve Silver award

Maintain Bronze award Maintained Bronze award Bronze award achieved

Sustainable Construction

Target updates
TargetMeasurableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 - 25Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021 - 22
All new builds to comply with University’s standard on carbon neutrality

Creating, implementing and maintaining standards for all new build projects.  Project by project basis

New builds to be net carbon neutral over the first 20 years of their economic life New builds to be net carbon neutral over the first 20 years of their economic life  NA NA First new carbon neutral building completed (over 60 year life)

Carbon Emissions

Target updates
TargetMeasurableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 - 25Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021 - 22
Reduction of Scope 1 and 2 emissions to net zero by 2030. This is a strategic priority for the University within the Strategic Plan 2022-27 published in 2022.

Setting of targets based on proposed/planned interventions for reduction of operational energy demand of university estate, and projected emissions factors of grid electricity.

Source data from external energy purchasing consortium used for procurement of energy

3206 tCO2e

 3559 tCO2e

3626 tCO2e

4031 tCO2e

4226 tCO2e

Measurement and verification of emissions to create baseline of 4226 tCO2e for 21-22

Community Engagement

Target updates
TargetMeasurableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2025 - 24Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021 - 22
To engage with local communities and collaborative organisations and be known as leaders and partners in sustainability and carbon reduction, to create real impact Achievement of Carbon Literacy awards – on-going compliance Maintain Carbon Literacy Silver award including delivery of training to staff, students and local community Maintain Carbon Literacy Silver award including delivery of training to staff, students and local community Achieve Carbon Literacy Silver award including delivery of training to staff, students and local community Achieved Carbon Literacy Bronze award  NA

Carbon Literacy

Target updates
TargetMeasurableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2025 - 24Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021 - 22
Numbers completing mandatory online training course Completion recorded on MyView Training and Development Record 80% 80% 80% - -
Numbers of Carbon Literate Certified Staff Recorded on Carbon Literacy Spreadsheet 700 700 400 125 50
Numbers of Students attending Carbon Literacy Courses Recorded on Carbon Literacy Spreadsheet 1000 1000 400 78 28
Number of external participants trained Recorded on Carbon Literacy Spreadsheet 400 400 300 196 117

Innovation and Enterprise

Target updates
TargetMeasurableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2024 - 25Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021 - 22
Shared Prosperity Fund

20 Net Zero Plans 






Shared Prosperity Fund

16 applications from companies to include high level Net Zero impact overview






Shared Prosperity Fund

20 applications from companies to include high level Net Zero impact overview







Target updates
TargetMeasurableTarget 2025 - 26Target 2025 - 24Target 2023 - 24Progress 2022 - 23Progress 2021 - 22
By targeting specific activities, we are aiming to develop a refined approach to specific SDG indicators across 8 SDGs Improvement in performance in THES Impact Rankings from 601–800 601-800 band 601-800 band 601-800 band 601-800 band 401-600 band
in the UK for Quality Education

Sustainable Development Goal 4, Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024

for Career Prospects

Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023

Top 5 for Social Inclusion

The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025

for First Generation Students

The Mail University Guide 2025

of Research Impact is ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Very Considerable’

Research Excellence Framework 2021

for Facilities

Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023

of Research is “Internationally Excellent” or “World Leading”

Research Excellence Framework 2021

Four Star Rating

QS Star Ratings 2021