Targets and progress
Targets are set by project, based on prevailing external benchmarks
Progress status: GREEN
This approach was adopted for the design and build for the new Woodlands Nursery and Forest School which opened in 2023. This approach resulted in a carbon neutral building which uses PV pumps to generate electricity and heat pumps to provide both heating and cooling within a building which is largely constructed from timber. The building has won two construction awards for its innovative approach to sustainability and contributing to a low carbon economy.
Benchmarks have been set for both the refurbishment and new-build elements of the new Student Village and Hub, which is currently out to procurement, with contract negotiations expected to be concluded in 2024. Phase 1 of the new Student Village and the Hub are expected to open in 2026.
Operational priorities for 2023/24
Conclude the procurement exercise for the Student Village within the carbon targets set.