Our projects

Beyond the Classroom

The aim of this project is to understand and recognise the diversity of innovations to enhance student experience and outcomes.  

Despite the pivotal role of third space colleagues, their roles are often poorly understood. This may impact the ways in which they are able to work most effectively with academic and professional services colleagues. We are therefore motivated to highlight third space innovations, and understand what works, for whom, and when.

This cross-disciplinary team take a critical pedagogical approach to understanding the ways in which successful learning is facilitated within UK Higher Education. We recognise that curriculum-based approaches are necessary to support the development of students’ knowledge and skills, but that the barriers and opportunities to facilitate learning from a diverse student population span the socio-cultural and political spaces as well.

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Education for All

An international collaboration with the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria to examine the pathways which enable Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) to systemically distort participation within the Higher Education sector.  

This will focus on how experiencing SEA impacts on the educational experience on campus, how people who have experienced SEA may be supported and protected to continue in education, the reporting systems for ensuring SEA is completely eradicated, and developing mechanisms to support female decision-makers within Senior management who can influence policy.

The project will conduct primary research with participants in Nigeria and use these findings alongside relevant literature to develop recommendations for Nigerian Higher Education policy.

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Evaluation of the Enhancement Framework QAA Scotland

Academic year 2022-23 marks the 20 year anniversary of the introduction of the Quality Enhancement Framework. We are using this milestone to undertake a deep and wide-ranging evaluation of one of its five key elements - the Enhancement Themes. 

This significant and ambitious sector-wide project will help us explore how, and to what extent, the Themes have impacted on the Scottish student experience, and in what ways this work has influenced enhancement approaches globally.

With a deeper understanding of what works well and a focus on developing evaluation capability, we have a great opportunity to make a step change in Scotland’s enhancement approach and support the Scottish sector in addressing future challenges as we all work to support SFC with the introduction of its Tertiary Quality Framework.

Leading the evaluation are Professor Stella Jones-Devitt (University of Staffordshire) and Dr Liz Austen (Sheffield Hallam University)

Exploring Evaluation Wicked Issues with the HE Sector

This project will bring together colleagues from within the Evaluation Collective to collate and respond to evaluation ‘wicked issues’ (Rittel & Webber 1973) posed by staff or students.

SCoLPP is a collaborative partner to the project led by Sheffield Hallam University as part of the Evaluation Collective.

The Evaluation Collective have been successful in obtaining funding to complete a QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project. Through the publication of issues and possible solutions in a digital Zine, this project aims is to help the higher education sector design better interventions which will lead to better learning experiences and enhanced longer-term student outcomes. Associated outcomes of the CEP are:

  • The HE sector feels listened to and supported in their struggles to embed effective evaluation in a variety of HE spaces
  • The HE sector accesses practical solutions to wicked evaluation issues within their contexts.
  • The HE sector builds confidence with evaluation practices.

 Phenomenon Based Learning

SCoLPP have been commissioned by QAA to explore the potential of Phenomenon Based Learning in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education for All). 

Partnering with Harper Adams, the project is facilitating Stop the Clock workshops with student participants. The workshops incorporate micro Phenomenon-Based Learning (PhBL) experiences following which the students draw together their responses to critical questions that bring in aspects of pedagogic design, student engagement, and student experiences.

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TASO Ethnicity Awarding Gap

This project explores approaches to addressing the gap in 2:1 and 1st class degrees being awarded to white students in comparison to students from other ethnicity groups. 

Despite increased attention over recent years, this gap remains significant across the sector.

The team, led by Dr Sally Andrews, will review Access and Participation Plans (APPs), explore Higher Education Provider (HEP) websites, and consult with stakeholders to develop a thorough understanding of the experiences and approaches of those working to address the situation. The team will discuss and refine emerging findings with an expert reference group of leading academics and practitioners across the sector. The project will create a typology or classification of interventions and a report outlining the learnings from the project.

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in the UK for Quality Education

Sustainable Development Goal 4, Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024

for Career Prospects

Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023

Top 5 for Social Inclusion

The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025

for First Generation Students

The Mail University Guide 2025

of Research Impact is ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Very Considerable’

Research Excellence Framework 2021

for Facilities

Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023

of Research is “Internationally Excellent” or “World Leading”

Research Excellence Framework 2021

Four Star Rating

QS Star Ratings 2021