Professor Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi

Visiting Fellow

Justice, Security and Sustainability

Dr. Janaina de Moura Engracia Giraldi is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Management at the Department of Business Administration, School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto (FEA-RP), University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. Janaina received her Doctoral and Master’s degrees from the University de São Paulo (USP). She also obtained a Master’s of Science degree from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium. Her research interests include the country-of-origin effect, country image, country branding, consumer behavior, and strategic marketing.

  • Associate Professor of Marketing and Management at the Department of Business Administration, School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting, Ribeirão Preto (FEA-RP), University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.
  • Vice-President of the Graduate Commission of FEA-RP/USP.
  • Member of different Administrative Boards at FEA-RP/USP.
  • Deputy-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Organizations Administration (PPGAO) of FEA-RP/USP
  • Coordinator of the Marketing Area at the Department of Business Administration.

Professional memberships and activities

Janaina has already obtained different scholarships and research funds, such as the Newton Mobility Fund and some others offered by the Brazilian government, including a special grant attributed to highly productive Brazilian researchers.

She coordinates two research groups in Brazil: G-Mind and PLACEMARK. G-Mind aims to deal with relevant organizational problems, particularly in decision making and information processing, from the tools developed by neuroscience. To deepen studies in the area of neuroscience, Janaina became an Associate Member of the Institute of Neurosciences & Behavior (INeC). PLACEMARK was created to formalize the network of contacts developed more than 15 years ago for research in the area of Place Marketing and Country of Origin Effect.

Academic qualifications

Habilitation in Marketing, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. PhD In Business Administration.


Janaina has experience in the area of ​​Administration, with emphasis on Marketing, acting mainly on the following themes: Image and Brand of Countries, Place Marketing, Geographical Indications, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research, Service Marketing, Planning, and Strategy in Marketing, Neuromarketing.


Marketing, Branding, Communication, Research methods.


  • KANAZAWA, F. N. ; LOURENCAO, M. T. A. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. ; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C. Destination website management: A social constructionist approach. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2021 (in press).
  • PAGAN, K. M. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. ; MAHESHWARI, V. ; PAULA, A. L. D. ; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C. Evaluating cognitive processing and preferences through brain responses towards Country of Origin for Wines: The Role of Gender and Involvement. International Journal Of Wine Business Research, 2021 (in press).

  • LOURENCAO, M. T. A.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C. Destination advertisement semiotic signs: analysing tourists visual attention and perceived ad effectiveness. Annals of Tourism Research, 2020.

  • BOSCOLO, J. C.; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C.; MAHESHWARI, V.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Gender differences in visual attention and attitude towards types of advertisements. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2020.

  • MARIUTTI, F. G.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Country Brand Equity: The Role of Image and Reputation. Brazilian Administration Review, 2020.

  • PAGAN, N. M.; PAGAN, K. M.; TEIXEIRA, A. A.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; STEFANELLI, N. O. Application of Neuroscience in the Area of Sustainability: Mapping the Territory. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, p. 1-17, 2020.

  • SOUZA, M. T. ; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Organic and sponsored ads: study on online purchase intent and visual behaviour. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, v. 14, p. 318-335, 2020.

  • FERREIRA, L. B. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Rio de Janeiro’s image as the 2016 Olympic Games host city: analysis of the main image formation factors. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, v. 3, p. 115-135, 2020.

  • ROCHA, P. I.; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Marketing communications via celebrity endorsement: an integrative review. Benchmarking, p. BIJ-05-2018-0133, 2019.

  • MONTANARI, M. G.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; GALINA, S. V. R. Relationship between country brand and internationalization: a literature review. Benchmarking, p. BIJ-09-2018-0277, 2019.

  • MARIUTTI, F. G.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. How does a Brand Reputation-Driven Construct Impact on Country Brand Equity? A Cross-National Study of Brazil and China. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, p. 1-20, 2019.

  • LOURENCAO, M. T. A.; MIYAMARU, L.; PADUA, S. I. D.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Development of sectoral brands with emphasis on structure and processes. Business Process Management Journal, p. BPMJ-09-2017-0254, 2019.

  • MAHESHWARI, V.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; MONTANARI, M. G. Investigating residents? attitudes of 2016 Olympic Games. Journal of Place Management and Development, p. JPMD-08-2018-0059, 2019.

  • MARIUTTI, F. G.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Country brand personality of Brazil: a hindsight of Aaker’s theory. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, p. 1, 2019.

  • MONTANARI, M. G.; RODRIGUES, J. M.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; NEVES, M. F. Country of origin effect: a study with Brazilian consumers in the luxury market. Brazilian Business Review, v. 15, p. 348-362, 2018.

  • CASTRO, V. A.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Shared brands and sustainable competitive advantage in the Brazilian wine sector. International Journal of Wine Business Research, v. 30, p. 00-00, 2018.

  • LOURENCAO, M. T. A.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; MAHESHWARI, V. Analysis of Brazilian fashion sectorial brand identity. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, p. RJTA-12-2017-0055, 2018.

  • CASTRO, V. A.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C. Construction and operationalisation of sectorial brands: the case of the Brazilian winemaking sector from the perspective of different stakeholders. Wine Economics and Policy, p. 1, 2018.

  • MAHESHWARI, V. ; MARIUTTI, F. G. ; KONSTANTOPOULOU, A. . Role of attitudes in Brazil's country brand image. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, v. 21, p. 297-307, 2018.

  • FERREIRA, L. B.; LOURENCAO, M. T. A. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. ; OLIVEIRA, J.H.C. Economic and image impacts of summer Olympic games in tourist destinations: a literature review. Tourism & Management Studies, v. 14, p. 52-63, 2018.

  • LOURENCAO, M. T. A.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. ; MAHESHWARI, V. . Analysis of Brazilian fashion sectorial brand identity. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, p. RJTA-12-2017-0055, 2018.

  • FIDELIS, B. T.; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; SANTOS, R. O. J. Sexual appeal in print media advertising: effects on brand recall and fixation time. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, v. 21, p. 42-58, 2017.

  • SANTOS, G. E. O.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Reciprocal effect of tourist destinations on the strength of national tourism brands. Tourism Management, v. 61, p. 443-450, 2017.

  • LOURENCAO, M. T. A.; GIRALDI, J. M. E. Development of an identity model for sector brands. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, v. 21, p. JFMM-10-2016-0097, 2017.

  • JORDAO, I. ; SOUZA, M. T. ; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. . Neuromarketing applied to consumer behaviour: an integrative literature review between 2010 and 2015. International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, v. 3, p. 270-288, 2017.

  • SUTTER, M. B.; MACLENNAN, M. L.; GIRALDI, J. M. E.; BORINI, F. M.; CRESCITELLI, E.; POLO, E. F. In search of tools for the use of country image (CI) in the brand. Journal of Brand Management, v. 24, p. 1-14, 2017.

  • GIRALDI, J. M. E. Evaluation of the impact of Brazil's sustainability on the behavioral intentions of stakeholders toward the country. Evaluation and Program Planning, v. 54, p. 135-143, 2016.

  • SANTOS, R. O. J. ; OLIVEIRA, J. H. C. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. ; TECH, A. R. B. . Public policies and selective visual attention: the effectiveness of awareness messages among young people about the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Science and Technology, v. 2, p. 1-9, 2015.

  • LOPES, I. B. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. ; AGUIAR, L. K. . An Analysis of Country Image of Brazil and Its Fresh Fruits: A Two Scales Comparison. Journal of Food Products Marketing, v. 20, p. 262-282, 2014.

  • DE TAVARES CANTO GUINA, FERNANDA ; de Moura Engracia Giraldi, Janaina . The Country of Origin Effect on Brazilian Beef Trade in Europe: The Moderating Role of Gender, Age, and Product Involvement. Journal of Food Products Marketing, v. 21, p. 1-18, 2014.

  • MARIUTTI, FABIANA GONDIM ; GIRALDI, JANAINA DE MOURA ENGRACIA ; COSTA, ANDRÉ LUCIRTON . Brazil's Image Abroad: How Can the Public and Private Sector Partnership Improve Marketing Strategies? Tourism Planning & Development, v. 10, p. 110-119, 2013.

  • GUINA, F. T. C. ; GIRALDI, J. M. E. . The evaluation of Brazilian beef in Europe: consumers, importers and exporters? perspectives. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, v. 16, p. 101-122, 2013.

  • MARIUTTI, FABIANA GONDIM ; de Moura Engracia Giraldi, Janaina . Country Brand Identity: An Exploratory Study about the Brazil Brand with American Travel Agencies. Tourism Planning & Development, v. 11, p. 1-14, 2013.

  • GIRALDI, J. M. E.; IKEDA, Ana Akemi . Personal values and the 'country-of-origin effect': the moderating role of consumers' demographics. International Journal of Consumer Studies, v. 33, p. 309-315, 2009.
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