Professor Carola Boehm


Digital, Tech, Innovation & Business

Having degrees both from the arts (music) as well as the sciences (electrical engineering, computer science) I am a genuine interdisciplinarian. I am passionate about interdisciplinarity & creativity, the international context, and the role that universities play in our creative sectors and communities. I have worked both in academia and industry, including carrying out industry consultancies and I see myself as an academic leader with an in-depth view of Higher Education in Britain today.

Previous positions I have held were at Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Glasgow, University of Wolverhampton, and the Royal Conservatory of Music in Den Haag (Netherlands). I am regularly invited to give keynotes, hold memberships on editorial boards and conference committees, sit on peer national and European research funding panels, and have a track record of research and enterprise projects (incl. EC, EPSRC, SHEFC, JISC, British Library, HEA, EU, HLF, Knowledge exchange, etc) amounting to a total project value of around £4 Million over the last 15 years.

Professional memberships and activities

  • Member of Governing Board or Board of Trustees - ArtUK - Stoke Creates CIC (Cultural Compact) 

Member of Peer Review Panels

  • ESPRC – Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council from 2015 onwards

  • EU - Expert Advisor & Evaluator, from FP 6/FP7 and H2020

Current and Past External Examinerships

  • (Switzerland) Middlesex University/WIAM BA Music 2016 - 2020

  • (Ireland) Dundalk Institute of Technology, BA Applied Music, 2015 - 2019

  • U. of Sussex/BIMM BA Professional Musicianship, BA Music Business 2013 - 2016

  • U. of South Wales/Glamorgan, BSc Music Technology, BSc Sound Technology 2009 - 2014

  • U. of Coventry, BSc E-Music, BSc Digital Music, BSc Music Technology 2008 - 2013

  • U. of Teeside for the BSc / BA Digital Music 2005 - 2009

  • U. of Essex Ext. Academic Adviser, BA Media Arts (Music Production) 2002 – 2003

Current Membership of Professional Bodies

  • HEASF - Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

  • TUAS (TURUN AMK University, Turku, Finland) Visiting Fellow 2016 onwards

  • SRHE - Society of Research into Higher Education (SRHE), member.

  • ICMA - International Computer Music Association, member.

  • N-ISM - Network for interdisciplinary research into science, technology and music.

  • PaTHES - Vice-Chair of the Society for Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education

Academic qualifications

My passion for interdisciplinarity and creativity has accompanied me throughout my life and I hold degrees in the sciences and arts (BSc Electrical Engineering, BA/MA Music with Computer Science as a minor). Back in Germany I completed a traineeship with a Recording Studio in Frankfurt and an Electrical Engineering traineeship with a Elima/Harman and Braun Ltd in Muenster.

I have a Prince 2 Project Management qualification (2006) and more recently, I have been awarded a Senior Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy.


  • Music Technology and Music Technology Education - most of my PhD and MA students have undertaken projects in this area, and I spent the first 10 years of my academic career intensely within this research community, being involved in the development of music information systems, MPEG7, music data structures and metadata.
  • Arts, Academia and Society – my most current publications and funded research projects are related to this area, specifically considering the arts-academia interconnectedness in relation to Helix Systems (Carayannis), Open Innovation 2.0 (Samelin) and Culture 3.0 (Sacco), but also how we facilitate the learning of multiprofessional working practices between arts and social work.
  • Interdisciplinarity, Creativity and HE – in-between the above two topics, I have been involved in exploring methodological aspects of the science/arts divide and how we facilitate interdisciplinarity in Higher Education. I have also developed and written about how we can facilitate the experiential understanding of the rich diversity of human creativity; my 'Creating Creative Processes' workshop has been delivered more than 50 times at various levels, subject disciplines and at various institutions world-wide.

Research interests

  • Music Technology and Music Technology Education - most of my PhD and MA students have undertaken projects in this area, and I spent the first 10 years of my academic career intensely within this research community, being involved in the development of music information systems, MPEG7, music data structures and metadata.
  • Arts, Academia and Society – my most current publications and funded research projects are related to this area, specifically considering the arts-academia interconnectedness in relation to Helix Systems (Carayannis), Open Innovation 2.0 (Samelin) and Culture 3.0 (Sacco), but also how we facilitate the learning of multiprofessional working practices between arts and social work.
  • Interdisciplinarity, Creativity and HE – in-between the above two topics, I have been involved in exploring methodological aspects of the science/arts divide and how we facilitate interdisciplinarity in Higher Education. I have also developed and written about how we can facilitate the experiential understanding of the rich diversity of human creativity; my 'Creating Creative Processes' workshop has been delivered more than 50 times at various levels, subject disciplines and at various institutions world-wide.


  • T. Welikala, & C. Boehm, (eds.) (Forthcoming 2023). Coloniality and Whiteness in the Academy: Towards Decolonial Futures. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education (PTHE). Peter Lang BOEHM, Carola (2023) Collective and Individual Identities in an Era of Cultural Co-creation. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage (Il Capitale Culturale), 14. ISSN 2039-2362
  • BOEHM, Carola (2022) Arts and Academia: The Role of the Arts in Civic Universities. Great Debates in Higher Education . Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley. ISBN 978-1-83867-730-5
  • BOEHM, Carola (2022) Editorial Perspective - Squids, University 3.0 and Activism. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, 4 (2). ISSN 2578-5753
  • BOEHM, Carola (2019) The end of a Golden Era of British Music? Exploration of educational gaps in the current UK creative industry strategy. In: Innovation In Music: performance, production, technology and business. Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
  • BOEHM, C. (2017). Academia in Culture 3.0: a Crime story of Death and Rebirth (and Curation, Innovation and Sector Mash-ups). REPERTÓRIO: Teatro & Dança, Special Edition Bilingual Publication of academic journal REPERTÓRIO: Teatro & Dança - Expanded Practice and Curation as Creative Process. (16 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C., LILJA-VIHERLAMPI, L., LINNOSSUO, O., MCLAUGHLIN, H., GOMEZ, E. et al. (2016). Contexts and Approaches to Multiprofessional Working in Arts and Social Care. EAPRIL Special Issue - Bridging professionalization and working life in context of responsiveness to change in society and the workplace. (16 pages, Journal Article)

  • WIGHAM, P. and BOEHM, C., (2016). Instrument Design and Mimetic Theory Current Issues in Music. (ISSN: 1447 – 7939. 8 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C. (2016). Music Industry, Academia and the Public. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Ghent. (pp. 90 - 97. 9 pages)

  • WIGHAM, P., BOEHM, C. (2016). Exploiting Mimetic Theory for Instrument Design. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Ghent, (6 pages)

  • Boehm, C. (2016). Industry, Academia and the Public: a University Perspective by a Music Technologist. In Westminster Media Forum Vol. 19 May 2016. London.

  • BOEHM, C. (2015). Triple Helix Partnerships for the Music Sector: Music Industry, Academia and the Public. In Hepworth-Sawyer, R. (Editor) KES Transactions on Innovation in Music 2015. Cambridge. (15 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C. (2015). Engaged Universities, Mode 3 Knowledge Production & the Impact Agendas of the REF. The next steps for the Research Excellence Framework, London. Westminster Forum Briefings. Short position paper.

  • BOEHM, C. (2014). A brittle discipline: Music Technology and Third Culture Thinking. In: E. HIMONOIDES and KING, A. eds., Researching Music, Education, Technology: Critical Insights. Proceedings of the Sempre MET2014: London: University of London, pp. p.51-55. ISBN 978-1-905351-29-9. (4 pages, Chapter)

  • BOEHM, C. (2014). A brittle discipline: Music Technology and Third Culture Thinking. In: E. HIMONOIDES and KING, A. eds., Researching Music, Education, Technology: Critical Insights. Proceedings of the Sempre MET2014: London: University of London, ISBN 978-1-905351-29-9. (10 pages, Full conference article)

  • CLENNON, O., & BOEHM, C. (2014). Young musicians for heritage project: Can a music-based heritage project have a positive effect on well-being? Music Education Research, 16(3), (pp.307-329, 18 pages, doi:10.1080/14613808.2014.909395 Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C., LINDEN, J., GIBSON, J. et alii (2014) Community, Identity and Locality: Sustainability & impact of university-housed, small-scale arts centres. A panel discussion. Online Proceedings of the European League of Institutes of Arts, Glasgow.

  • WIGHAM, P. and BOEHM, C. (2011). The Baserbow: An Instrument based on the exploration of the concept of mimetic participation for the development of multi-modal and multi-gestural devices. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM11) Glasgow. (5 pages)

  • CLENNON, O., BOEHM, C., Hamilton, H. (2012). Young Musicians for Heritage Project: Final Evaluation Report. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.5107.5045. (Project Report)

  • BOEHM, C., AINLEY, C., BASON, P., DIN, M., Jones, H., Lewin, R., Rowe, H., Shutt, M., Stevens, B. (2011). Using narratives to improve staff morale in large organisations. In: Proceedings of the Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference. Newport, SRHE. (5 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2011). The Box-Of-Chocolate Phenonema. In: Proceedings of the 11th Global Conference on Business & Economics, Manchester. (15 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2010). Creating Creative Processes Workshop. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, New York: ICMA. (4 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2009). 2084-Brave Creative World: Creativity in the Computer Music Curriculum. ICMC. Montreal, ICMA. (pp. 129 - 136, 8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2009). Creating Creative Processes: A workshop demonstrating a methodological approach between the Sciences and the Arts. In; Cognition and Creativity. Proceedings of the ACM Conference, Berkley:ACM (8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2008). Weeds in the Cracks, Interdisciplinarity and Music Technology in Higher Education. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Belfast: ICMA. (ISBN 0-9713192-6-X. 8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2008). Creating Creative Processes. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference - Transforming the student experience. Harrogate. (4 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2008). Creative Processes between Arts and Science. In: Culture, Creativity, Interaction. Proceedings of the Conference for Human Computer Interaction., Liverpool: HCI. (4 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2008). The discipline that never was. Journal for Music, Technology and Education, Vol 1, 2008 (15 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C. (2007). The search for the temporal grail? Reflections on notation, control and digital music representations. In: Current Issues in Music. (ISSN: 1447 – 7939. 8 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C. (2006). No such thing as a Music Technologist? An educational landscape of 'Music Technology' in Britain. In: Conference Proceedings of the International Conference for Music Technology Education, Leeds: LIMTEC. (8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2006). Betweening - Mapping an Educational Landscape. Part1: Quantitative Studies into 'Music Technology' degrees in Britain using UCAS data. In: Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts, Dartington, DRHA. (8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2006). … Or does it actually tell time? Time-related methodological directions for music information systems. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden: ACSRIC. (5 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2006). Staying in-between. 'Music Technology' in Higher Education. In: Digital Music Research Network (DMRN). Roadmap Launch. London.

  • BOEHM, C. (2005). The thing about the quotes: 'Music Technology' degrees in Britain. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans: ICMA. (8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2005). Music Technology in Higher Education. in McMahon, F. and Claes, T. Probing the Boundaries of Higher Education. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press. Vol. 12 The Idea of Education. (ISBN 1-904710-11-5. 12 pages, Chapter)

  • BOEHM, C. (2002). Opportunities and Challenges. In: International Computer Music Conference, Stockholm, ICMA. (ISBN 91-89262-04-2. 8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C., BAILEY, N., et al. (2002). OPENDRAMA - Networking Opera. In; Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Gothenburgh: ICMA. (ISBN 91-89262-04-2. 4 pages)

  • BOEHM, C., MACLELLAN, D. (2001). MuTaTeD’ll A System for Music Information Retrieval of Encoded Music, Library and Information Commission Research Report 104 RE/101, London, Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, (ISBN 1-902394-58-5, ISSN 1466-2949. Book)
    DE JONG, K., BOEHM, C. et al. (2001). Music Web Authoring Guide - A Guide for Users of MusicWeb Applications. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. (ISBN 0 85261 736 4. Book)

  • BOEHM, C. and FELLS, N. (2001). Studio Report of the Centre for Music Technology. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Cuba: ICMA. (ISBN 0-9713192-0-0. 4 pages)

  • PATTERSON, J. and BOEHM, C. (2001). CIRCUS for Beginners. In: C. BOEHM, SCHUTER, H., GARCIA, D. eds., CIRCUS 2001 - New Synergies in Digital Creativity. Proceedings of the Conference for Content Integrated Research in Creative User Systems. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, pp. 182-193. (ISBN 0 8 526 1746 1. pp. 182-193, 14 pages)

  • DONACHY, P., BOEHM, C., ARNOLD, S., DE JONG, K. (2001). MusicWeb Connect: A European Project for creating web-based Tools and Resources for Music Education. In: C. BOEHM, SCHUTER, H., GARCIA, D. eds., CIRCUS 2001 - New Synergies in Digital Creativity. Proceedings of the Conference for Content Integrated Research in Creative User Systems, Glasgow: University of Glasgow, pp. 3 pages. 72-75. (ISBN 0 8 526 1746 1 3 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (2001). Between Technology and Creativity, Challenges and Opportunities for Music Technology in Higher Education. In: C. BOEHM,

  • SCHUTER, H., GARCIA, D. eds., CIRCUS 2001 - New Synergies in Digital Creativity. Proceedings of the Conference for Content Integrated Research in Creative User Systems, Glasgow: University of Glasgow, pp.55-72. (ISBN 0 8 526 1746 1. 16 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. and MACLELLAN, D. (2000). Music tagging type definitions, systems for music representation and retrieval. Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro Conference, Vol. 02. IEEE, pp..2340-2347. IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/EURMIC.2000.874500. ISBN 0-7695-0780-8. 8 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C. and MACLELLAN, D. (2000). MuTaTeD’ll A System for Music Information Retrieval of Encoded Music. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, Plymouth, Massachusetts: ISMIR. Retrieved from (4 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. and MACLELLAN, D. (2000). Music Tagging Type Definitions, Systems for Music Representation and Retrieval. In: Proceedings for International Computer Music Conference, Berlin: ICMA, p. 8 pages. (ISBN 0-9667927-2-6. 8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (1999). The Metadata Bear – Bearing the Weight of Accessibility. Journal of Educational Media, 24 (3) pp. 177-189. ( ISSN 1358-1651. 12 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C. and ARNOLD, S. (1999). Serving Time Base Media in the Performing Arts. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Bejing: ICMA, (ISSN 0-9667927-1-8. 8 pages)

  • DE JONG, K. and BOEHM, C., MusicWeb Den Haag - Developing Tools for Higher Music Education, using Wide Area Networks and Hypermedia Technology. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Banf: ICMA, (ISBN 0-9667927-0-X. 4 pages)

  • MALLOCH, S., BOEHM, C., DUFFY, C., Owen, C., Arnold, S., Pearson, T. (1998). PADS - an Online Digital Resource Library. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1513. Springer, pp. 351-266. ( ISBN 3-540-65101-2. 15 pages, Book Section) ECDL, 1513, 351-366. doi:10.1007/3-540-49653-X_21.

  • MALLOCH, S., BOEHM, C., DUFFY, C., OWEN, C., ARNOLD, S. (1998). The Performing Arts Data Service: Imaginations/Universities Network Pilot Project. Digital Convergence: the future of the internet and the WWW, Conference Proceedings of the British Computer Society, Bradford: BCS (20 pages, Journal Article)

  • BOEHM, C., MALLOCH, S., DUFFY, C. (1998). Performing Arts Data Service. Top Paper Award,. In: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Proceedings of WebNet98, Orlando: AACE, (ISBN 1-880094-31-2. 8 pages.) Retrieved from

  • HEMPEL, C. and BOEHM, C. (1997). Neue Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologien für den Musikunterricht. In: T. HEMKER and MÜLLENSIEFEN, D. eds., Medien - Musik - Mensch. Neue Medien und Musikwissenschaft, Hamburg: Bockel Verlag, pp. 91-99. (ISBN 3-928770-95-0. 8 pages, Chapter)

  • BOEHM, C., DE JONG, K., HEMPEL, C. (1997). MusicWeb. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki: ICMA. (ISBN 0-9667927-3-4. 8 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (1996). New Information and Communication Technologies for the music classroom. Teaching on the Web. In: Proceedings of the 5th International World Wide Web Conference, Paris: (4 pages)

  • BOEHM, C., HEMPEL, C., DE JONG, K. (1996). MusicWeb. New Information and Communication Technologies for the music classroom. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong: ICMA, (ISBN 0-9667927-4-2. 4 pages)

  • BOEHM, C. (1996). Automated Music. Interdisciplinary Aspects of a developmental History: Middle Ages and Renaissance. In: Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Hong Kong:ICMA. (ISBN 0-9667927-4-2. 4 pages)

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