Terms and Conditions for Associate Students

By undertaking learning, including microcredential courses, as an associate student, you agree to the following terms and conditions, which form part of the agreement between you and the University.

Associate Students

By studying as an associate student, you are able to undertake focused learning in a flexible way to suit you. You will have access to learning materials for the course you are studying, details of what these are, any costs associated with the learning, how learning is delivered, and the level of learning are included in the course information, and this is available on the course page on the University website.

Most courses enable recognition of study through the awarding of credit, This can be obtained through sitting (and passing) an assessment. Information about whether this is available on a course is contained in the information on the course page. To be awarded credit you will need to fully register as student. More information on becoming a fully registered student is included at the end of these terms and conditions.

Payment of Fees

If your course has fees associated with it payment will need to be made before your study commences.

Accuracy of Information

 You confirm and declare that: 

  1. The information you have provided in support of your study with the University is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge.
  2. The provision of false or misleading information may render your participation invalid.

Communications to and from the University 

You will be asked to provide a primary email address for correspondence as part of becoming an associate student. All email communications from the University will be sent to that account and you are expected to use that account for all formal communications with the University.

University Regulations

By studying as an associate student at the University you agree to comply with applicable rules and regulations of the University. This is to ensure that all students have opportunities to learn in a safe, high quality learning environment. These are often referred to as “the Regulations”. A full list of the Regulations can be found at www.staffs.ac.uk/legal/policies

As an associate student, some of the regulations will not directly apply to you due to the nature of your study, but it may be helpful to understand the expectations for fully registered students, as these will apply if an associate student chooses to fully register in the future. 

Key provisions of the Regulations of which you should be aware include:

(a) The University’s expectations of student behavior, as set out in our Associate Student Conduct Procedures. Breach of these rules could result in a disciplinary process and the imposition of sanctions, including expulsion from the University.

(b) The Safeguarding procedure and Prevent duty, which describe the steps the University is required to take to ensure Safeguarding and Prevent requirements are met.

(c) The process stating how associate students can make a complaint.

Changes to University Regulations

The University reserves the right to add to, delete or make reasonable changes to the Regulations where in the opinion of the University this will assist in the proper delivery of education. Changes are usually made for one or more of the following reasons:

(a) To review and update the Regulations to ensure they are fit for purpose;

(b) To reflect changes in the external environment, including legal or regulatory changes, changes to funding or financial arrangements or changes to government policy, requirements or guidance;

(c) To incorporate sector guidance or best practice;

(d) To incorporate feedback from students; and/or

(e) To aid clarity or consistency of approach.

The University will consult with the Students’ Union and stakeholders before making any substantive changes to the Regulations.

Any changes will normally come into effect at the start of the next academic year, although may be introduced during the academic year where the University reasonably considers this to be in the interests of students or where this is required by law or other exceptional circumstances.

The University will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to students wherever reasonably possible, for example, by giving reasonable notice of changes to Regulations before they take effect, or by phasing in the changes, if appropriate.

The updated Regulations will be made available on the University's website and may be publicised by other means to promote any changes.


The University will make all reasonable efforts to deliver modules (including microcredentials), programmes, and research opportunities as described in materials published by the University.

The University reserves the right to vary arrangements in exceptional circumstances which are beyond the University’s reasonable control. Examples of such circumstances may include:

(a) acts of God, flood, earthquake, windstorm or other natural disaster, including epidemics of infectious diseases;

(b) fire, explosion or accidental damage;

(c) collapse of building structures, failure of machinery, computers or vehicles;

(d) labour disputes, including strikes and industrial and other action;

(e) interruption or failure of utility service, including but not limited to electric power, gas or water;

(f) the acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restriction of any government;

(g) the unexpected absence or departure of a member of staff;

(h) where the numbers recruited to a programme and/or module are so low that it is not possible to deliver an appropriate quality of education to students enrolled on it.

Where such events occur the University will seek to minimise the impact on the student learning experience by, for example:

(a) delivering a modified version of the same programme; or

(b) by making available to affected students such learning or other support and other services and facilities as it considers appropriate; or

(c) offering affected students the opportunity for alternative focused learning at the university.

Students will be informed of any changes to learning services and facilities by the University as soon as is practicable. 

The University will make reasonable changes to learning where that will enable the University to deliver an equivalent to or better quality of educational experience to students. Examples of such circumstances may include:

(a) the content and syllabus learning where developments in the subject area make that necessary;

(b)  the methods used in the delivery of study. 

In making any such changes, the University will aim to keep the changes to the minimum necessary to achieve the required quality of experience and will notify those affected students in advance about any changes that are required. 

The University does not exclude or limit in any way its liability for:

(a) death or personal injury caused by its negligence or the negligence of its employees, agents or subcontractors;

(b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. 

The University does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes liability to the full extent possible under the general law for loss or damage to students’ property or for infection of students’ equipment caused by computer viruses, and for the consequences of any such damage.

Cancellation Rights 


You have the right to cancel your enrolment at any time. If you cancel within 14-days of the date after you enrolled onto your course you are entitled to a full refund of any fees you have paid. We are not usually able to provide a refund after the 14-day period has elapsed.

To notify us that you wish to cancel your enrolment. please email microcredentials@staffs.ac.uk

If you do decide to cease your studies at any time please notify the University, so we can ensure our records are up to date. We may also ask you to provide a reason for ceasing your studies if this may help us improve provision in the future.


If you cancel this agreement as set out above, the University will reimburse to you, where applicable, all payments received from you. The University will make reimbursements without undue delay, and not later than 14 days after the day on which it is informed about your decision to cancel this agreement.

The University will normally make reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction.

Progression from Associated Student to fully Registered Student

To partake in assessments and to receive formal recognition of your learning you will need to become a fully registered student. When you are ready to do this, please contact microcredentials@staffs.ac.uk to discuss options available to you. 

At the point you enroll as Fully Registered student, you will be asked to sign up to Terms and Conditions for students, and will undertake a formal contract with the University. 

Please note that you will not be able to progress to be a fully registered student if you have outstanding debt with the University.


If any provision of the agreement between you and the University is held to be void or unenforceable in whole or in part by any court or other competent authority, that agreement shall continue to be valid as to the other provisions contained in it and/or the remainder of the affected provision.

The agreement between you and the University shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. 

The University’s agreement with its students does not confer third party benefits for the purposes of the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

Contact us

For more information, including about how to stack microcredentials, please contact:

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