Equality analysis

As part of our responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) of the Equality Act 2010, we need to analyse the impact that our actions may have on equality and those covered by the protected characteristics.

We need to demonstrate due regard when developing and implementing changes to strategy, policy and practice.

What is Equality Analysis?

An Equality Analysis helps us to understand the impact that our actions may have on our students, our staff and members of the public. In particular it makes sure that we give adequate consideration to those covered by the protected characteristics of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Sex
  • Gender re-assignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race, nationality, ethnic origin, country of origin
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual Orientation

The purpose of equality analysis is to:

  • identify any negative equality impact and to eliminate or mitigate this impact as far as possible
  • actively consider how changes to policy might support the advancement of equality and the fostering of good relations

Equality analysis is also called 'Equality Impact Assessment'.

Why do we have to do Equality Analyses?

As part of our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, we need to demonstrate that we have paid due regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty when developing and implementing changes to strategy, policy and practice.

This means that consideration of equality issues must influence the decisions that we reach in:

  • how we act as an employer
  • how we develop, evaluate and review policy
  • how we design, deliver and evaluate services
  • how we commission and procure from others

We will also need to publish evidence of how we have paid due regard to the Public Duty so we need to keep records of, and in some cases publish, any Equality Analysis that we do.

As well as meeting our legal responsibilities, considering equality issues as part of our everyday business should also improve the way we make decisions. This in turn should result in an improved service to all our customers.

Remember that anyone (staff, students and the public) can challenge us in terms of how we take equality issues into account. You may be asked to justify a decision that you have made or a policy that you have developed or reviewed so it is important that you:

  • have considered equality issues
  • have engaged with the relevant people to highlight any equality impact
  • have understood if there was any negative impact
  • can explain how you mitigated or eliminated this impact
  • have kept appropriate records of any discussions, consultations etc

When do I have to do an Equality Analysis?

We should be thinking about Equality as a routine part of all our decisions, activities and policy-making. An Equality Analysis should be carried out as part of every decision, review, and policy development.

Please note that carrying out an Equality Analysis is not about justifying what you have done after you have done it. It is about considering options before you decide what to do, and making sure that these options take into account the implications for our students, our staff and members of the public.

Some decisions will have no impact on equality issues and it will be enough to have just considered the equality implications.

Other decisions, reviews and policy development could have a significant impact on equality issues and will require careful consideration of equality data and documentary evidence of the analysis undertaken.

How do I do an Equality Analysis?

The Guidance on Undertaking an Equality Analysis explains what you need to do and provide guidance on what data/information may need to be analysed.

Who needs to do an Equality Analysis?

Any analysis should be undertaken as part of the process of review, development or decision-making and should be carried out by the person responsible for the decision/policy/review. It may be helpful, for more complex analyses, to involve other people who are involved in the process or to use the help of a member of the Equality and Diversity Team.

Can anyone advise me about Equality Analysis?

If you have any queries about whether or not you need to do an Equality Analysis or would like some help in doing one, please contact us.

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