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CDAS (Community Drug and Alcohol Service) drop in – no referral needed

When is it?: starts 7th August 2024 from 1pm until 4pm (1st Wednesday of each month there after)

Where is it?: The Science Centre – Hub C (To the right of the main front doors)

What is it?: CDAS provides a free, confidential and friendly service to anyone who would like to seek support or advice relating to drugs or alcohol. This could be wanting to understand more, wanting to reduce their drug or alcohol intake or to learn more about staying safe.

If you have any questions or would like any more information, please contact us at


North Staffs Mind 'BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER' group

When is it?: Every Wednesday evening from 6pm-8pm

Where is it?: Ashley 1 Building, Stoke Leek Road Campus

What is it? It is a men's only group run by two qualified BACP counsellors, that aims to tackle men's mental health. Men can be reluctant seek out formal support, they are prone to social isolation and the statistics for male suicides are very frightening. The group is open to all men aged 18+. It’s free to attend, there are no referrals and no waiting lists. Find out more at NorthStaffsMind.

CHANGES continue to offer a variety of workshops and groups online at Changeshere4U.

There are a variety of resources, including self-help pre-recorded videos which can be found on our Self-help page.

The Academic Skills Team offer a series of workshops online. For further information please see here 

You can now watch our exam stress workshop which we recorded earlier in the year.

You can also find information about other services, on our other sources of support page and emergency and 24 hour support


For International Students

This three-week course from the British Council and Newcastle University provides tailored support and guidance for international students. From understanding British culture to accessing relevant support, you’ll get the information you need to thrive in the UK. Further information and how to join is available here 


Staff events : Supporting Students in Distress workshops

The Student Wellbeing team are happy to announce we have  Staff workshops taking place in August and September. The workshops are aimed at academic staff who would like to know more about the wellbeing team and things to think about when supporting students.  

Further details and booking is available via the following Staff LMS Sign in | Access Identity ( in the events calender. 

4th September - Teams online from 1pm