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** Trigger warning: In this post we are going to be talking about #suicide, #death. If you feel you may be impacted by this topic, please do not read any further. Please see Emergency and 24 hour support - Current students - Staffordshire University ( if you need urgent support. Or if you would like to talk to someone about your wellbeing, please click to the wellbeing home page and arrange an appointment with the team.  


September 10, 2024, gives us an opportunity to highlight an important issue faced around the globe; death by suicide.  World Suicide Prevention day aims to promote world-wide awareness and understanding of the risk factors for suicide and promote action for suicide prevention.

Naturally this is a tough subject to talk about and it may well have affected you, or someone close to you, but WSPD gives us a chance to increase awareness and offer an opportunity for remembrance. 

The call for action is Start the Conversation" and you can find and download free resources (including taking the time to reach out, suggested activities and facts and figures) at WSPD Resources, Banners, Light a Candle (

 How can I get involved?

Staffordshire University Student Wellbeing & Safeguarding Team would like to invite you to mark the day with them and Start the conversation by:  


  • Visting the following link to learn about the myths surrounding suicide Myths about suicide ( 
  • Watching the WSPD awareness video at
    • Light a candle at 8pm on WSPD - students and staff are encouraged to change their social media profile photos to a lit candle to show support - Light a Candle - IASP
    • Cycle Around the Globe - from 10th September – 10th October, the International Association for Suicide Prevention, are asking people to participate in their free, virtual event and cycle, walk, run any distance on any road, track or gym to help work together to prevent suicide – further details can be found at Cycle Around the Globe - IASP
    • Visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention at Individuals - IASP to find out how you can get involved and be a beacon of light to those in pain.


Be the difference, support a friend, family member or colleague and encourage them to access help. They do not need to be a current student, the University Wellbeing & Safeguarding team webpages provides information on sources of support that anyone can access   Other sources of support - Current students - Staffordshire University ( 

Further Sources of Support    

 If you or someone you are in contact with is having suicidal thoughts, it’s important to know help is available - Suicidal Crisis Support - IASP


Contact The Samaritans (24 Hour helpline) on 116 123  

Contact Us | Samaritans  

 Befrienders Worldwide provide confidential support to people in emotional crisis or distress, or those close to them - Befrienders Worldwide - Global Suicide Prevention

 Papyrus (under 35 years)                                                                                                    

Papyrus HOPELINEUK  Tel: 0800 068 4141 (24/7)  Email:  Text:  88247


SHOUT crisis text service   

A free crisis text service. Text SHOUT to 85258 and you will be contacted by a specially trained volunteer who will give you support through text. SHOUT is a particularly good service if you are in a living situation where talking is difficult for privacy reasons, or when you find it too hard to say the words out loud. They are accessible 24/7 and will be support you through your time of crisis.  

It is confidential and free for all UK major networks

 The Mix - Suicide (support for under 25’s)  

 Campaign Against Living Miserably – support for Men - Homepage | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) ( Call 0800 58 58 58 (5pm–midnight every day) or use webchat/Whatsapp service.  

 The Hub of Hope website can help you find support near you.


 Starting a conversation  

 Warning signs include talk of suicide, changes to mood and changes to behaviour. How to start a conversation about suicide with someone you are worried about #SpotTheSigns | Papyrus UK | Suicide Prevention Charity (   

The Samaritans have also created some helpful advice about listening Shush activelistening tips  

 Keeping safe for now - If you are having thoughts of suicide focus on what you need to do to keep yourself safe for now: 



Communicating safely online about suicide, guide for young people   

Tools and tips to help communicate safely online about suicide - #chatsafe - Orygen, Revolution in Mind