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Exams and exam support

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Exam timetables

The dates of our main exam periods through the year are available on the Important Dates webpage. Your course may also schedule exams outside of the main exam periods and they will advise on the times/ locations for these.

Please note that the exam timetables may be subject to change and you should check back regularly for updated versions of the timetable as this will be the most up to date version. Please remember not to circulate any version of the timetable that you have downloaded in case it is out of date.

If you have a Student Inclusion Plan (SIP), you will be contacted separately with details of the arrangements that have been put in place for you, these may include different timings/ rooms to those listed in the main timetable. If you have an SIP and have not received these details by email ahead of your exams then please get in touch urgently.

If you have any queries about the details on the examination timetable, or about your SIR arrangements, please contact  

Get set for success

We want everything to go as smoothly as possible for you and we know that you are more likely to succeed if you are well prepared so please read through the exam timetable carefully and make sure you have familiarised yourself with the University’s Exam Regulations well in advance of the exams. The regulations will help you to understand what is expected of you and what you can expect from us.

Attendance at exams is compulsory and it is your responsibility to make sure you know which exam(s) you are undertaking, when and where. Make sure you arrive at the exam well in advance – we recommend at least 15 minutes ahead of the start time.

You will need proof of ID to sit your exam - so bring your student ID card with you. If you have lost your card, you will need to speak to a Money & Guidance Advisor.

Exam support

We know that exams can be daunting and that you may be feeling anxious ahead of this time. Your wellbeing is really important to us so there is lots of help and advice available from our student support teams on how to look after yourself and from Academic Study Skills on how to academically prepare for exams.

Be organised and create a timetable, plan for work, leisure and fitness. 

The 5 things you need to know.... about exam preparation.