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Report a concern

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If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any form of harassment, hate crime, bullying, discrimination, fraud/scams, domestic abuse, or assault you can report anonymously or talk to an advisor.

Talking to an advisor does not mean you are making a formal report to the university, it is to enable you to access the support you need to make an informed decision. 

If you need Emergency and 24 hour support please visit Emergency and 24 hour support for a list of emergency contacts.

Make a report

You can make a report anonymously or you can choose to make a report using your contact details. Select the appropriate form to make your report.


Students can download the SafeZone app which has emergency support as well as non urgent wellbeing assistance options to self-refer to our Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding team, or link to other support teams at the university.

Frequently asked questions

Who can make a report?

All students and staff at Staffordshire University can make a report through one of the “Make a report” forms.

Why should I report an incident?

By reporting an incident or concern it will help the University address issues promptly and will contribute to a safer and supportive learning environment.  

How do I make a report?

To make a report, you would need to complete a short Microsoft form. You can choose to submit your report anonymously or with your contact details.

What happens with my report?

When you submit your form, this will be triaged by our Support teams and appropriate follow up action will be taken.  If you have provided your contact details, we will keep you informed of any action that is being taken and will contact you to offer appropriate support.

What happens if I make an anonymous report?

The report will be triaged by one of the support team. We will assess the report to identify any risks that relate to a duty of care. If anyone or a department is named in the report, we will assign the report to the appropriate advisor who will review to decide what action should be taken.

We are unable to commit to taking any formal action when a report is submitting anonymously, however the information will be used to identify any similar reports we may have received and whether there is a pattern of behaviour or trends which need to be explored.

If you choose to submit your report anonymously, we would still encourage you to access support and advice.  

What is the difference between anonymous and reporting with my contact details?

If you make your report anonymously, we will not know who has made the report and will be unable to reach out to you to offer support or to gain further information in relation to the incident or concern you are reporting.  If you choose to report with your contact details, we can reach out to you to offer support and to discuss informal or formal options available to address the concern or incident raised. 

What happens with the data from these reports?

The data collected will be used to produce an anonymised report at the end of each academic year which would include the number of cases and types of incidents that have been reported.  This is used to inform any identified areas of risk which we can then analyse to understand where further information or areas of support are required. 

Where can I get support?

The University has a variety of support teams available for you to speak with. A list of the support services available can be found in the Student support area. We take student safety seriously at Staffordshire University and we have a list of support contacts and resources available for you to access in the Student safety page.

We also have a dedicated team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLO). This team can provide a caring, holistic ‘wrap-around’ service for survivors of Sexual Misconduct and/or Violence. They can provide immediate and ongoing care and support, provide assistance with reporting and complaints and provide up to date community resource information. You can contact the team directly by emailing:

Safeguarding concerns

If you have a safeguarding concern, we have established  Safeguarding policies and procedures and  Designated Officers responsible for receiving and acting upon reports of safeguarding concerns. These officers are trained to respond appropriately to reports and to support anyone who makes a report. In these pages you will find information, advice, and guidance to help staff and students understand what safeguarding means and how you can help ensure that the Staffordshire University is a safe place to work, study and succeed.