- Following the completion of the examination for a Professional Doctorate degree the examiners will make one of the following recommendations to the University’s Graduate School Committee:
1) Direct award. The examiners are satisfied that the thesis, portfolio or equivalent and its defence are of doctoral standard. The candidate should be awarded the appropriate Professional Doctorate degree without being required to make any changes to his or her submitted work.
2) Revisions required. The examiners are satisfied that the thesis, portfolio or equivalent and its defence are of doctoral standard, however the thesis requires revisions. These are normally to be completed within 6 months of the examination (although if numerous, the examiners can recommend up to 12 months). The following outcomes are available to the examiners:
- The candidate should be awarded the Professional Doctorate degree subject to amendments being made to the thesis, portfolio or equivalent to the satisfaction of the internal examiner. It is for the internal examiner to review these amendments, and to indicate to the University’s Graduate School Committee whether they have been carried out appropriately.
- The candidate should be awarded the Professional Doctorate degree subject to amendments being made to the thesis, portfolio or equivalent to the satisfaction of the external examiner. It is for the external examiner to review these amendments, and to indicate to the University’s Graduate School Committee whether they have been carried out appropriately.
- The candidate should be awarded the Professional Doctorate degree subject to amendments being made to the thesis, portfolio or equivalent to the satisfaction of both examiners. It is for the examiners to review these amendments, and to indicate to the University’s Graduate School Committee whether they have been carried out appropriately.
3) Resubmission. The examiners are not confident of the doctoral standing of the thesis, portfolio or equivalent and/or its defence, but believe this standard may be reached with further work.
In such instances significant revisions of the thesis, portfolio or equivalent, and/or significant additional research activities are required, and the candidate should resubmit the work, normally within 12 months of the first examination. A further oral examination will then be held. Only one resubmission is permitted.
4) No Professional Doctorate award. The examiners are not confident of the doctoral standing of thesis and its defence, nor do they believe that this standing could be attained. The candidate should not be granted the Professional Doctorate degree and should not be permitted to be re-examined.
The examiners will refer the candidate to the appropriate University Professional Doctorates Assessment/Award Board (for taught awards) for the Board to review the candidate’s assessment marks and determine whether the candidate is eligible for an alternative award of Postgraduate Diploma or Masters degree, in accordance with arrangements stated in the approved course specification for the Professional Doctorate course and the University’s Academic Regulations.
The candidate may be required to successfully complete an alternative piece of research work in order to be eligible for the award of a Masters degree.
- Where amendments to the thesis, portfolio or equivalent are required these should be made in accordance with the specific requirements of the examiners.
- Examiners may indicate informally their recommendation on the result of the examination to the candidate but they will make it clear, through the Chair, that the final decision rests with the University’s Graduate School Committee.
- Where the examiners’ recommendations are not unanimous, the University’s Research Degrees Sub-Committee may:
i) accept a majority recommendation (provided that the majority recommendation includes at least one external examiner);
ii) accept the recommendation of the external examiner; or
iii) require the appointment of an additional external examiner.
- Where the University’s Graduate School Committee decides that the degree should not be awarded and that no resubmission be permitted, the examiners will prepare an agreed statement of the deficiencies of the thesis, portfolio or equivalent and the reason for their recommendation, which will be forwarded to the candidate.