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Student Support and Experience

Student Support and Experience – course related difficulties can impact on wellbeing and if your main concern is related to your course the Student Support and Experience Team may be able to support you.

Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding

We work alongside the Student Wellbeing and Safeguardingteam.  We all experience problems and difficulties that affect our mental wellbeing and as a student, you may well find yourself experiencing some of these. These might be related to issues and events at university, or they might be connected to previous experiences or issues in your personal life. The Student Wellbeing team are here to help and support for you whatever your circumstances. For more information, self-help and to access support from the Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding Team, please visit Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding service webpages.

Report a Concern

For an overview of support offered across Student Support and Wellbeing Services, including the Sexual Violence Liaison Officer Team, please visit our Report a concern pages and for more information to help you in relation to 

  • Bullying and Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Fraud/Scams
  • Hate Crime/Hate Incident
  • Sexual Violence, Assault and Harassment
  • Stalking 

Students Union

The Students Union provides access to free, impartial, professional advice services advising on academic matters, housing and finances.  Also, if you are looking to get involved, including, joining student-led groups or are struggling with feelings of loneliness, consider talking to the Students Union to find out what is going on in various clubs and societies.  Visit:  The Students' Union.

Privacy statement

This information is provided in addition to that given in the Staffordshire University Student Privacy Statement.

What information is stored and processed?

Any information you provide to us, or that we wish to record in relation to providing support to you, will be stored electronically, and processed in line with Data Protection Law. We need to store and process this information in order to provide a service to you. The advisor will make brief notes about any appointments or other interactions that you have with our team. We may also include information provided to us by other people which relates to us providing a service to you. Any information that we store in relation to any support that you receive from us will be kept for 7 years from the date of your last appointment here, unless there are any ongoing matters relating to the information that mean we need to retain it for longer. After this time period, all information will be deleted in line with the University's Data Classification, Handling and Disposal Policy (which can be viewed on the University’s web pages).  We also use the information to compile anonymous statistics about the use of the service, which are shared within and outside of the University.  

We may need to contact other services and departments within the university, including Residential Services, Estates, and/or Course Academics to ensure we can put reasonable adjustments in place to support you on your course. Any information received by the Student Inclusion Team is treated confidentially. Services within Student Support and Wellbeing may be aware of contact with our service as this is stored on a shared system. 

There may, however, be circumstances where we feel it necessary or be bound by law to break confidentiality, with or without your consent or knowledge, and liaise with and/or provide information to appropriate University staff and/or persons or organisations external to the University. Such circumstances are rare and usually relate to a serious concern for your own or someone else’s wellbeing. They include (but are not limited to):

 • Concern that you may attempt suicide or seriously harm yourself
 • Concern that serious harm may come to someone else (including Safeguarding and terrorism)
 • If a Court of Law/the Police require information

Access to information

You will usually have the right to see the information that we hold about you. For further details, please see the University’s web pages, which includes information on how to make a Subject Access Request.