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Student Success (Support) Fund

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In Student Success Fund

In Student Success Fund

If you’re struggling financially and worried this could impact on your ability to continue with your studies we have a fund that might be able to help you.  

Our Student Success (Support) Fund is a discretionary fund available to undergraduate, home for fees students experiencing severe financial hardship. Each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

You'll also find lots of information and helpful tips on our managing your money page.  We also have other cost of living initiatives available for home, undergraduate students.  Click here for further information.

*Please note the fund cannot be used to pay tuition fees, library fines or any other fines imposed by the University or a third party (e.g. parking/speeding fines), or to support "lifestyle choices". Similarly, the fund can’t be used to pay off store cards or any other debts you have accrued before starting your course.



To apply you must be:

  • A current and active undergraduate student (you cannot have withdrawn or taken a break in studies).
  • Classed as Home for fees.
  • Studying full or part time on an eligible course (if studying part time, you must be studying at 25% of a full-time equivalent course).
  • Enrolled onto a course which is a minimum of 1-year duration.
  • Enrolled onto a course that leads to an award such as a HND, Foundation Degree, BA, BSc, BEng.
  • Entitled to funding from Student Finance England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland.
  • In receipt of the full tuition fee loan or comparable funding.
  • In proven genuine financial hardship.
  • Able to show that reasonable provision was made prior to commencing your course to cover expected tuition and living costs.

Please note:  Students making repeated applications who appear to be relying on the fund regularly,  will be required to demonstrate how their financial situation has changed from the previous application. If you are struggling to meet your financial needs on a regular basis, please arrange an appointment with one of our Student Support & Experience (Money and Guidance) Team to explore other options that may be available: Here to help (

You will not be eligible for support from the fund if you:

  • Have not made reasonable provisions before the start of your course to cover all related costs such as rent, tuition fees and general living.
  • Have used all your available funds on non-essential expenditure. This can include, but is not limited to, purchases such as holidays, gambling, clothing from premium brands, regular takeaways and meals out in restaurants.
  • Have sent some or most of your available funds to friends and/or family.
  • Have applied for assistance with arrears/debt incurred before commencing your current course registration.
  • Are studying at one of our partner colleges. If studying at a partner college you will need to contact the college directly to check what support is available to you and apply to them directly.
  • Are studying a postgraduate course
  • Are an international student

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Priority Students...

Although we will consider applications from any student, priority is given to students who are:

  • Lone parents.
  • Disabled students (especially where DSA is unable to meet particular costs).
  • Mature students.
  • Students who are care Leavers.
  • Students who are estranged from their parents.
  • Students who are carers.
  • Students from low income families.
  • Students whose courses have additional costs.

If you’re not in one of the priority groups listed you can still apply, but you need to provide as much evidence as possible to show why you’re in need of additional funds.

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How do I apply?

You can apply to the Fund through our partner platform Blackbullion, using the following link: 

Student Success (Support) Fund

If you've not already registered with Blackbullion you'll be asked to register with them, using your student email account before completing your application. Registration is free and will give you access to all Blackbullion's online resources and learning modules designed to help you develop essential money skills, as well as exclusive competitions. For more information on Blackbullion please watch the video Hi, we are Blackbullion (Youtube)

The application will ask you questions about your course and your individual circumstances. You'll also need to upload evidence to support your application. We won't be able to process your application without the required evidence.

If you require help applying please contact our Money & Guidance Advisors or the Student Union Advice Centre (Tel. 01782 294629) or pop to their reception above the Ember Lounge) to arrange to speak to an Advisor.

Please note: Your application will not be considered complete and can’t be assessed until all supporting evidence has been received. To see what you need to supply use the evidence checklist below.

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To support your application please send:

  • The most recent three months bank statements' for each account you/your partner hold. You must explain any credit or debit transactions for £50 or over, which appear on your bank statements.
  • If you have an account such as Monzo, Starling, Revolut  - you will need to provide a statement showing all money pots in order for your Student Success Support Fund claim to be assessed.
  • A copy of the your Student Finance Entitlement Letter which you can download from your Student Finance portal

Please note that mini statements will not be accepted. Statements must be in consecutive order and clearly show your name, bank details, transactions and available balance.

If you’re applying for support with a particular item (e.g. council tax arrears) you’ll need to provide evidence of the costs you’re claiming for. Where applicable you’ll need to send:

  • Evidence of Council Tax.
  • Evidence of rent arrears.
  • Proof of childcare costs.
  • Car costs – insurance certificate, PCP agreement.
  • Any other relevant evidence.

Applications submitted without the correct supporting evidence won’t be processed. You’ll be asked to provide any missing evidence, which could delay your application.

How do I send my supporting evidence?

All supporting evidence should be uploaded with your online application. Should you experience any difficulties in doing this please contact us at

What format do I need to send my supporting evidence in?

We can only accept:

  • PDFs
  • .doc or .docx word documents. We accept these for personal statements only. These should only be included if you need to inform us of any additional information that supports your application.

We do not accept:

  • Image files of any sort (.png; .jpeg; etc). These are often too large and not clear enough for us to accept, and with the availability of scanners on campus should not be necessary.
  • Screenshots or photos of bank statements inserted into a Word document as these are rarely clear enough for us to accept.
  • Images of bank statements from mobile phones.

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How long will it take for me to find out if my application has been successful?

Once your application is complete, you should hear back from us by email within 2 working weeks.

Once your application has been received you may be asked to provide further evidence. If further evidence is required, it could delay your application if you don’t send it to us in a timely manner.

If we require any further evidence we'll contact you via your student email. We'll also use your student email to notify you of the outcome of your application.

Applications submitted over Christmas, Easter and the summer break

Please note that the fund allows the 2 working weeks processing time to be extended to 4 weeks during the above vacation periods.

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Do I have to repay the Student Success (Support) Fund?

Payments awarded through the Student Success (Support) Fund do not usually have to be repaid. If, however your attendance is poor, or you intermit/withdraw from your studies before the end of the academic year you may be required to repay all or part of the award.

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Where can I get additional money advice?

We have lots of information and helpful tips on our managing your money page and our dedicated Cost-of-Living Sharepoint page (available to all Staffordshire University students).  We also have other cost of living funds available for home, undergraduate students.  Click here for further information.

The Student Support & Experience Team (Money & Guidance) offer FREE budget workshops to all students at Staffordshire University.  

Contact the Money & Guidance Advisors  or the Student Advice Centre (Tel. 01782 294629 or pop to their reception above the Ember Lounge) to arrange to speak to an Advisor.

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