Preliminary Reports
Each appointed examiner shall independently consider the candidate’s thesis and provide the Research Administrators with a preliminary report and recommendation no less than five working days prior to the day identified for the oral examination. An oral examination must be held irrespective of the provisional recommendation of the examiners.
Arrangements for Examination
A member of the Graduate School Committee shall chair the oral examination. The Research Administrators will liaise with the examiners, the Chair and the candidate to agree the date, time and venue for the oral examination. The examination must take place on one of the University’s campuses. All parties will be notified in writing of the agreed arrangements.
Exchange of Preliminary Reports
Prior to the oral examination, the examiners and the candidate will receive from a University Administrative Officer copies of all preliminary reports and recommendations and will jointly consider any areas of concern to be evaluated during the examination.
Role of Academic Advisor
The Academic Advisor may attend the oral examination with the agreement of the candidate, but may not contribute to the discussion or the outcome of the examination.
Examiners’ Responsibilities
The oral examination shall be concerned with the content of the thesis and any other matters the examiners deem to be relevant to the thesis. The examiners shall establish that the candidate has made a systematic study in a single field or a small number of related fields, has displayed originality and independent critical powers and has thereby carried out a coherent programme of work comparable with that required for a successful traditional PhD thesis on the basis of an approved programme of research in the field concerned. They shall also satisfy themselves on the candidate’s contribution to multi-authored works.
Creative Works
In the case of a candidate whose own created artefact(s) forms a significant or total part of their published works, the examiners will be required to assess the submitted documentation and, wherever possible, the artefact(s). To this end, the candidate shall, where possible, make available on the appointed day of the oral examination or earlier where appropriate, the cited artefact(s) so that the examiners can view and discuss it with the candidate as part of the oral examination process.
Examination Outcomes
Following the completion of the examination the examiners may recommend that:
i) the Degree be awarded;
ii) the Degree be awarded, subject to minor editorial corrections being made to the critical appraisal, which shall be completed by the candidate to the satisfaction of the internal and/or the external examiner;
iii) the Degree not be awarded, but the candidate be permitted to submit a revised critical appraisal and/or a different selection of published material within a specified time period;
iii) the Degree not be awarded.
Where the examiners are not in agreement, separate final reports and recommendations shall be submitted. If option ii is selected, the examiners shall, at the end of the examination, give the candidate guidance on the corrections to be made and shall agree the arrangements for the receipt and approval by them of the corrections. Candidates shall have one month from the date of the oral examination to complete the corrections and submit the required number of copies to a Research Administrator who will arrange for the thesis to be checked.
Notification of Candidate of Outcome of Examination
Examiners may indicate informally their recommendation on the result of the examination to the candidate but they shall make it clear that the decision rests with the Graduate School Committee.
Final Decision on Examination
The Graduate School Committee will consider the preliminary reports and final recommendations of the examiners. Where the examiners’ recommendations are not unanimous, the Graduate School Committee may:
i) accept a majority decision;
ii) require the appointment of an additional external examiner.
Appointment of Additional Examiner
Where an additional examiner is appointed under regulation 9 he or she shall prepare an independent preliminary report on the thesis and shall conduct a further oral examination normally within three months of the first examination. The additional examiner shall not be informed of the recommendations of the other examiners. The Academic Advisor may attend the examination with the agreement of the candidate, but may not contribute to any discussion or its outcome. On receipt of the preliminary report and final recommendation of the additional examiner, the Graduate School Committee will consider the recommendations of all the examiners and take a final decision to award or not to award the Degree.
Where the examiners recommend that the Degree should not be awarded, they shall prepare an agreed statement of the reasons for their recommendation, which shall be forwarded to the candidate by the Research Administrators following its approval by the University’s Research Degrees Sub-Committee.
Library Copy of Thesis
Following the award of the degree the candidate must submit one hardbound copy and one electronic copy of the final version of the thesis to the Research Administrators. The Research Administrators will:
(a) send a title page, contents and abstract for each PhD thesis conferred to the British Library;
(b) send an electronic copy to the library of the University for the work to be deposited in the repository of the University and an electronic copy will be sent to the British Library Electronic Thesis On-line System (EThOS);
(c) lodge one permanently bound copy of the thesis in the library of the University and in the library of any collaborating establishment.